5 Funny but Logical Reasons Why Bloodborne PC needs to be made ASAP

5 Funny but Logical Reasons Why Bloodborne PC needs to be made ASAP

Bloodborne was released in 2015 exclusively for PlayStation 4 and it’s been 9 years and no PC version has been released. Fans are furious with Sony for not porting BloodBorne to PC despite an army of fans begging them for years. PC gamers are honestly feeling left out like the quiet kid who’s been asked to sit with the group of popular kids. So according to us, here are a few funny yet logical reasons why Bloodborne PC needs to be made as soon as possible.

Reasons Why Bloodborne PC needs to be made

All Bloodborne players have trained enough for the PC release

Bloodborne PC

Most Bloodborne players find themselves revisiting the epic game again & again to test their gaming abilities and simultaneously have some fun – playing BloodBorne is like marrying your high school sweetheart, you get to tolerate the blows of heart-crushing insults much better as the relationship gets old. The seasoned BloodBorne players have mastered the dodge rolls, perfected the sneaky attacks and developed a thick skin to the countless humiliating deaths one endures in this painfully difficult yet exciting game – the wait is getting tiring and all the pc gamers have grown long beards like Robinson Crusoe, now only the release of BloodBorne PC can help these pc gamers escape from the lonely island of boring AAA games.

Dear Sony, as a PC gamer I have trained hard enough on PlayStation 4’s BloodBorne and now I want to showcase my skills and feel great about my gaming skills – every PC gamer wants to have the one moment that they’ve been waiting for their whole lives i.e. to beat a Soulslike game in under 2 days, and only BloodBorne PC can quench this insatiable thirst for loyal PC owing fans of BloodBorne.

The PS Now game version is not fun anymore

Bloodborne PC

PC gamers who can afford to pay 18 dollars for Playstation PS Now premium can experience BloodBorne on their PC via cloud gaming technology but it’s no fun – while playing Bloodborne on PS Now, you feel the imposter syndrome like an intern does in his/her first months of working amongst experienced employees, it just doesn’t feel as good as the PlayStation 4 version. If I want to play BloodBorne on PC for years like most of the PS4 owning fans, then I have to pay over 200 dollars a month – it’s super expensive for the PC gamer as a single game costs 50 to 70 dollars for a lifetime.

So, BloodBorne PC will be an affordable option for the PC gamers and also the PS4 owners will stop acting like they own the world – BloodBorne PC will act like a peace treaty between the console & pc gamers.

Elden Ring needs a partner in crime

Bloodborne PC

In the absence of BloodBorne PC, Elden Ring has garnered a cult status among gamers for being a hard game that looks great as well but there’s a negative side to Elden Ring’s fame i.e. all the abuses, insults and rage quits that Elden Ring faces on a daily basis – gamers hate on Elden Ring when they can’t persevere enough to beat it. Seeing the faces of countless gamers rage in front of their gaming monitors has left Elden Ring emotionally scarred and it has been feeling lonely – BloodBorne PC can be the emotional companion that Elden Ring needs to deal with the toxic frustration of its players.

BloodBorne PC will be like a partner in crime for Elden Ring, and the crime is infuriating a million gamers who think they’ve conquered the gaming world after defeating NFS Most Wanted 2005. Before Elden Ring loses its mental sanity from the toxic love-hate relationship it has with its fans, Sony must release BloodBorne PC.

Humiliation in gaming becomes tolerable when experienced in 4K

Bloodborne PC

BloodBorne is capped at 30 fps for the PlayStation 4 – all the humiliating deaths, the endless tests of patience and mental fortitude, cries of rage and plummeting self-esteem will become bearable when BloodBorne PC releases. Seeing the rabid dogs, mysterious bosses, epic bosses and the dark gothic world of BloodBorne in 4K 60 frames per second will be an overwhelmingly emotional experience for the pc gamers – it would be similar to being an atheist for your whole life and finally seeing God’s miracle in front of your eyes.

Sony, please do it for the admins of countless fan accounts

Bloodborne PC

There’s a Twitter(X) handle by the name of Is BloodBorne on PC who has been updating BloodBorne fans since 26 July 2022 and today is 11 June 2024 – it’s been 1 year and 9 months of daily posting about updates from this account. This level of crazed fandom is the biggest reason why Sony should release BloodBorne on PC as soon as possible – I would like to see this account’s admin retired from his/her duties and only you can make that happen, dear Sony.

Thanks for reading the article.

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