5 Honest Reasons Why Tekken 9 Might Not Ever Come Out

5 Honest Reasons Why Tekken 9 Might Not Ever Come Out

Tekken 8 is the newest addition to Bandai Namco Studios’s Tekken game series and it quickly became popular among the fans of old-school fighter games worldwide – the visceral fights, the contrasting display of colors and the fantastical world of Tekken 8 have got the fans excited and craving for its successor i.e. Tekken 9. To support our unpopular opinion about a potential Tekken game, we have curated a list of 5 reasons why Tekken 9 might not ever come out.

Reasons why Tekken 9 might not ever come out

These Games Are Quite Plain To Be Honest

Every mission in Tekken 8’s story mode results in a fight between the main characters with a static background and that’s the whole point of the game – there’s no revelations, character development or even elements of surprise to keep you hooked. It’s quite impossible to not feel empty inside after playing Tekken games for half an hour – you are just pressing buttons like a maniac and tilting left & right to somehow win. If Tekken 9 releases then it’s going to look like a reiterated version of Tekken 8 with more characters or possibly a better storyline – you will end up doing the same things as the previous games and there’s nothing new.

Playing Tekken games is like eating the same breakfast for years and feeling no sense of boredom – I think only monks and meditation gurus will be eagerly waiting for Tekken 9, it would be like a new test of patience for them.

Tekken Games Don’t Challenge You Like Storydriven Games

Sneaking and innovatively eliminating enemies in Hitman, having a constant fear of dying in Battlefield and Call of Duty games, experiencing the scenic locations in Uncharted games or feeling the adrenaline rush of single-handedly taking down a criminal organization in Tomb Raider games – you get nothing even remotely close to this in Tekken games, there’s a bunch of backgrounds and two overgrown humans fighting every time you play and Tekken 9’s not going to be any different. The masculine feeling of combatting someone gets uninteresting quite early if you’re an adult gamer – Tekken games only require you to have 2 to a maximum of 3 brain cells to excel at it.

In story-driven games, you need to be mindful of your surroundings – unlike the plain premise of punching & kicking of Tekken games, story-driven games have a bigger purpose to fulfill and you feel like the protagonist of an action movie after completing the objectives.

It’s The Outdated Version of Gaming Entertainment

In the classic Nintendo console days when most of us were children, our idea of fun was fairly simple – shooting ducks in Duck Hunt, escaping the four colored ghosts in PacMan, eliminating battleships & aliens in space shooters, making the lion jump in Circus Charlie or driving the constantly humming car in F1 Race. But the times have changed and people have outgrown and out-aged the simplistic stuff that once used to stimulate their brains – realistic graphics, mind-bending worlds, grotesque villains and twisted characters are the flavor of today. Tekken 9 and similar games feel outdated – if you’re still stuck in the nostalgic loop of the Nintendo era then these games are for you.

It’s like why would you eat mashed potatoes if you have the option of eating fries – choosing Tekken 9 over any other AAA game sequel feels like that.

There Could Be Only So Much Rage Inside You

Okay, you have been fighting monstrous human beings for hours and you’re feeling a masculine vibe vicariously through Tekken’s exciting combat mechanics but there could be only so much rage inside you – there’s something wrong with you if your idea of fun is punching & kicking digital characters for hours, you require therapy more than you require Tekken 9. Games like Call of Duty forces you to complete challenging objectives in beautifully haunting locations – you feel creatively stimulated and masculine at the same time in first-person shooters, unlike Tekken where you just rage like a bull without having any purpose.

Tekken 9 Can’t Possibly Compete With Emotionally Charged Games

In the age of social media where loneliness and anxiety are increasing constantly – people want a game that will comfort them emotionally, make them feel heard, bring tears of joy to their eyes, make their hearts pump emotions again and make them feel not so lonely. Tekken 9 will be another plain fighting game with maybe better graphics. It won’t be able to compete with emotionally charged games like The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, Far Cry, Resident Evil or Death Stranding – the sense of peaceful abandon in the lap of nature that you get in emotional story-based games is impossible to beat for games like Tekken.

Thanks for reading the article.

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