Gibbo is the most mysterious character in Still Wakes the Deep, as he doesn’t talk much in his human form and hides from people after undergoing a hideous transformation into a monstrosity. You only get a one-second glimpse of Gibbo’s monster form. After observing his interactions with the crew members, we have ascertained the fact that Gibbo is an introvert or a slightly shy kind of person. We have listed below a list of 5 signs that will confirm whether your personality is similar to Gibbo or not.
Signs You’re Like Gibbo from Still Wakes the Deep
Most of your replies are short
You don’t like to draw attention to yourself. Even during conversations, you’re playing hide and seek with the spotlight – you hide from the spotlight by quickly turning the attention away from you by highlighting others’ accomplishments. It’s a clever tactic that most introverts like Gibbo use to seamlessly avoid the heart palpitations that come announced when all eyes are on you. Your ears and cheeks turn red when you are at a social gathering and more than 5 people are hearing you speak – it’s like signing a devil’s contract, where you can’t even boast your knowledge without feeling anxious or embarrassed.
You are a softie at heart
Even after becoming a monster, Gibbo’s child-like innocence is still intact. Just like him, you’re incapable of growing up and acting all serious like an adult does. Just like a kid, you think from a place of compassion, and not from a place of egotism. You don’t think “Will I look like a weak twig” or “Will I look feminine“, after saying something emotional in front of people. If you were a hand-knit garment, you’d be made of moral fiber – it indicates the fact that your idea of having fun does not supersede someone’s feelings. You hate bullies. You cry in private when no one’s looking. Your child-like, non-judgemental demeanor makes you authentic.
You humor is as sharp as a knife
You usually keep quiet, but when you joke, then it always converts into laughter – your sharp observations and comparisons often tickle your friends’ funny bones. The opposite gender finds you mysterious, nervous, reserved, and difficult to approach but loves to hear your quirky one-liners. Your first romantic relationship in life was likely sanctioned by your incredible sense of humor. There’s often an inner dialogue running inside you; you constantly tell yourself, “
You are the first one to say sorry
Your conscience oscillates from “I am not going to talk to her ever; she is a mean witch” to “Maybe I went overboard with my sense of humor; maybe her sensibilities were hurt, that’s why she called me a human-sized pig,” pretty quickly. Your sense of guilt doesn’t allow you to be this “teenage rebel” that you badly want to be – you melt instantly after seeing your loved ones upset and apologize even when it’s their fault. You are like the average married guy in a relationship, who has to apologize if he doesn’t want to sleep on the sofa outside. You express the most when you’re in apology mode.
Just like Gibbo, you don’t stop apologizing until your conscience says, “Enough, have some self-respect, bro.”.
Overthinking is your kryptonite
Just like every other introvert on the planet, overthinking kills you from the inside, but you just can’t stop yourself – it has become a guilty pleasure now, like eating an entire tub of ice cream even though most of your shirts’ buttons are on the verge of blasting off to different orbits. You come across as an irritating and paranoid person when you’re on your overthinking spree. Just like Gibbo, you keep blurting out your shortcomings until a friend consoles you. You might be uptight, and most likely the moral police of your friend group – you act like you are the parent of your group.
Thanks for reading the article.
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