Chuxie Game Review: Absurdist Visual Horror at it’s Creepy Best

Chuxie Game Review: Absurdist Visual Horror at it's Creepy Best

The terrifying world of Chuxie is set in an abandoned hospital where paranormal entities have been openly crawling like crabs on the seashore. Your objective in Chuxie is to investigate the truth behind the horrifying rumors & put a lid on the open box of paranormal horrors that the hospital has become. You will be terrified out of your wits & amazed by the absurdly horrific yet gorgeous visuals that the game offers. To encapsulate the engaging experience of playing Chuxie, we have summarized our review into 5 major points.

Chuxie Game Review summed into 5 major points

The game is a buffet of chilling moments

Chuxie Game

It pushes your imagination to the limits of paranoia and then makes those visuals come alive – you’re going to think of an outlandish, horrific scenario & Chuxie will realize it to the highest degree. The jumpscares in this game don’t have the “heart palpitation” inducing level of horror but you will most likely take deep breaths of relief after you are done with them. The inventive puzzles & near-death escape scenarios will keep you on the edge of your gaming chair while simultaneously traumatizing you through anticipation of oncoming evil entities. Your survival instincts & reflexes will require you to be at their visceral best to survive & hopefully defeat Chuxie.

Chuxie is like the movie “Hereditary” where the premise doesn’t necessarily make you scream loud with terror but sends you chills after chills in anticipation of the absolute worst.

The visuals are gorey & have an astonishingly vivid color palette

Chuxie Game

Chuxie has disturbing elements of gore that will excite the fans of horror but there’s a little twist, i.e., everything looks a little too lively to be associated with the elements of death, horror or evil spirits, and it makes everything appear a bit shocking & whimsical at times. The game strikes a beautiful balance between eerie & absurd elements as it quickly turns from “Conjuring” type of horror to “Annabelle” level of hair-raising creepiness – Chuxie is going to make you uncomfortable but provide you enough adrenaline rush to keep you exhilarated.

An army of fantastical creatures waiting to creep the bejesus out of you

Chuxie Game

The creatures in Chuxie can be described as creepy raised to the power of infinity – the contrastingly bright colors & absurd structural designs of these creatures are pure nightmare fuel for the faint-hearted or those newly introduced to horror games. Chuxie is a horror game but the horrifying creatures seem to have been created by fashion designers, as each of their costumes is a fashion statement in itself. You won’t be surprised if you find these creatures gracing Milan Fashion Week someday as each of them are distinctively gorgeous showstoppers in their own right. The developers of Chuxie have achieved a unique feat of making terrifying & insanely creepy look breathtakingly gorgeous.

A game design that symbolizes dread

Chuxie Game

The crusted walls, blood-stained floors, rusted metallic structures & the conventional “joyless” vibe of a hospital make the dread of Chuxie truly come alive. The world of Chuxie has vibrant colors & amusing creatures present but there’s a quality of oncoming menace attached to every breathing moment you spend in the game. The dark & hollow atmosphere of the game has a very “trapped inside a mansion” vibe to it where you are playing a game of hide-and-seek with a murderous psychopath. You are going to feel claustrophobic & sick in this giant hospital with countless rooms – it’s beautiful poetic justice if you look at it this way.

The sound design is breathtakingly scary

Chuxie Game

The haunting screams of the ghosts have a terrifying & shrilly quality to them – you’re going to feel your heart thumping in perfect tandem with your hurried breaths when spine-chilling creatures appear in front of you out of nowhere. The slow-pitched sounds of crying & screams echoing throughout the building will make your blood curdle. Chuxie’s sound design is easily the scariest element of the game, and you are most likely going to turn the volume down if you’re playing with lights off.

Thanks for reading the article.

Another interesting horror game :- Silent Breath Honest Review: It’s an Atmospheric & Claustrophobic Masterpiece

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