Backrooms Escape Together Review: Exhilarating Peaks & Yawn Inducing Valleys Both

Backrooms Escape Together Review: Exhilarating Peaks & Yawn Inducing Valleys Both

Backrooms Escape Together is a co-op survival horror game where your objective is to survive the gorgeous yet haunting liminal environments presented to you, all while deriving the most co-op fun that you can with your co-player. There are monsters, intellectual challenges, and nerve-wracking moments that keep you decently engaged in the game. We played … Read more

SCP Descent Review: A Viscerally Horrifying Creepfest

SCP Descent Review: A Viscerally Horrifying Creepfest

SCP Descent is a horror game based on the OG game ‘SCP-087’. It draws inspiration in terms of the use of stairwell game design & eerie vibe that ‘SCP-087’ successfully pulled off back in its day. SCP Descent leans more towards the psychological horror side of things as compared to the typical jumpscare fashion of … Read more

Decimate Drive Review: It Wrecks You Into Boredom

Decimate Drive Review: It Wrecks You Into Boredom

Decimate Drive is a car-based horror game where cars turn rogue and start hunting humans, and your objective in the game is quite simple, i.e., to run away from these murderous cars and use hindrances, turns, and your wits to avoid becoming their food. The plain concept of being chased by bloodthirsty cars seems interesting … Read more

Fossilfuel 2 Review: A ‘Fossil Fueled’ Joyride

Fossilfuel 2 Review: A 'Fossil Fueled' Joyride

Fossilfuel 2 is the sequel to the absolutely terrifying dino horror game known as Fossilfuel. It proudly contradicts the norm associated with sequels usually, i.e., being a terrible wannabe product that doesn’t even provide half the exhilaration its predecessor delighted you with. On the contrary, Fossilfuel 2 surpassed the first game and passed the entertainment … Read more