Top 20 Best Looking Weapons in Elden Ring

Top 20 Best Looking Weapons in Elden Ring

Is Romeo complete without Juliet? Can a gym bro live without his beloved protein powder? Can a Toyota Supra’s image ever be dissociated from the word ‘family,’ or can a father ever breathe in peace if he sees his son sleeping till 12 am in the summer vacations? The answer is no. Similarly, we cannot talk about Elden Ring’s breathtaking world and forget to mention its spectacular range of weapons. The gloomy atmosphere, ancient aesthetic, and extremely challenging bosses take away all the limelight in Elden Ring, but there are other pieces of art that don’t get their due, i.e., the weapons. We have cherry-picked the best-looking weapons of Elden Ring & mentioned our light-hearted opinions on them.

Best Looking Weapons in Elden Ring

Loretta’s War Sickle

Loretta's War Sickle Elden Ring

Loretta’s war sickle looks less like a lethal weapon and more like an ancient artifact that has been maintained for centuries by an avid collector. The muddy silver-colored blade has a medieval design engraved on it, which gives it a culturally rich flavor. Loretta’s War Sickle’s long black handle has strands of silver hugging it similar to how a snake wraps itself around its prey. The blended color scheme of black & silver adds a touch of modernity & sophistication to an otherwise century-old weapon. It looks gorgeous enough to be used as a prop on a medieval-themed ramp walk in Paris Fashion Week. Overall, Loretta’s War sickle looks pretty sick.

Scepter Of The All-Knowing

Scepter Of The All-Knowing Elden Ring

The silver-dipped severed hand aesthetic looks peculiar and cool at the same time. The all-silver design of the ‘scepter of the all knowing’ gives it an elegant, minimilastic, zen, and mysterious vibe. The scepter’s subtle glistening effects and its metallic textures look absolutely breathtaking from every angle; it is pure metallic glory in terms of its looks. The scepter looks like something a royal magician would have used as a wand, weapon or a metallic spectacle back in his glory days. The weapon’s completely cuckoo design looks gorgeous somehow in the sense that it would grab your attention from a distance. Overall, the scepter of the all knowing is a uniquely good-looking weapon.

Nox Flowing Sword

Nox Flowing Sword Elden Ring

The Nox flowing sword misses the ball with the lack of textural details on its rather plain silver sword design, but on the other hand, it hits the ball out of the park by giving it a wickedly ginormous curve. The sword looks devilishly handsome, thanks to its ferocious & feral design that looks like an oversized tiger claw. It looks like a beautiful silver dagger that underwent some dark magic spells and is loving the attention that comes with the curved design. The beautifully bizarre design of the Nox flowing sword looks heroic when you give it a full swing; it looks like the fang of a huge snake that is made of silver.

The Nox flowing sword’s animalistic design looks dynamic and, not to forget, absolutely stunning.

Full moon crossbow

Full moon crossbow Elden Ring

The full moon crossbow is a flamboyant-looking weapon that looks more like an artistic showpiece than a functioning crossbow. You cannot deny that the spinning movements of the full moon crossbow look absolutely spellbinding, and they remind you of the planetary movements in the solar system. The weapon has a glaringly intergalactic appeal to it, that would make most sci-fi nerds & space fanatics go crazy with excitement. The central golden disks paired with the crossbow’s wooden body make a delightful color combination that adds both, a regal & a gritty appeal to its appearance. Overall, the full moon crossbow is a gorgeous and royal sight to behold.

Azur glintstone’s staff

Azur glintstone's staff Elden Ring

The pineapple head-like design of the Azur Glintstone’s staff has a raw & crystalline appeal to it. The staff looks like an emerald green ornament given to a princess by her father, i.e., the king of the throne to pique her interest in the art of weaponry & self-defense. The quartz design of the glintstone’s staff head reminds you of the mineral excavations done by researchers. Just by looking at it, you know that it’s going to be an expensive visit to the jewelry store, hahaha. The Azur Glintstone’s staff looks fantastical and dreamlike enough to be used as Lady Gaga’s prop in one of her many outlandish fashion statements.

It looks fetching like a real emerald stone, so much so that you would want to look at it from different angles & observe how it scintillates during rotations.

Rivers of blood

Rivers of blood Elden Ring

If Chandler from Friends were to comment on the rivers of blood, then he would say, “Could a weapon be any more hellish in its appearance?”. The Rivers of Blood weapon looks like a katana sword that has been dipped into the rivers of hell & cursed by the gods of hell to have a dreadful existence. The hellish red color of the sword gives it a supernatural & satanic visual undertone. It has a villainous & menacing magnetism to its look. There’s an inexplicably seductive element to how this sword looks; it feels like it has been summoned from the depths of hell after days worth of dark magic & evil witchcraft.

The Rivers of Blood make you feel like an absolute god when you hold it sideways. It looks sublime.

Starscourge greatsword

Starscourge greatsword Elden Ring

The Starscourge Greatsword looks like a curved obsidian knife that belongs to the royal kitchen, that has been put under the engorgio spell (the engorgement charm) from the world of Harry Potter. It looks like a test of manhood practiced in mythical times, i.e., a boy would be declared a man if he was able to wield, hold, and swing the Starscourge greatsword with ease. The sword looks too big to be called beautiful, so let’s call it a magnificent piece of art. It looks savagely glorious, like the claws of an eagle that are ready to devour its prey. The golden inscriptions on the obsidian blade lend some visual opulence to an otherwise raw and brutish-looking weapon.

Overall, the Starscourge Greatsword looks majestic, like an eagle soaring the skies.

Ghiza’s wheel

Ghiza's wheel Elden Ring

The Ghiza’s wheel looks like a supersized pizza cutter that was used to slice pizzas made for giants & trolls back in the abstract medieval times when magical creatures coexisted with humans. It looks like an ancient weapon made by Ford Motor Company, and the design was taken care of by Gucci. It looks outrageous, enthralling, and visually enthralling to the extent that it would feature on the cover of Vogue magazine for weapons if they could read. The spinning effect of the Ghiza’s wheel looks hypnotic in the sense that you don’t want it to stop, aka it’s a magical sight you don’t mind seeing on a loop.

Overall, the Ghiza’s Wheel is a captivating visual that your inner child is going to love.

Inseparable sword

Inseparable sword Elden Ring

The Inseparable Sword torches up with magic when you swing it, and it looks like a million bucks while doing so. It looks like a fancy knife made from an amalgamation of gold & silver that once was used on the royal dinner table but later got converted to a weapon after catching the commander’s fancy. Having been made from silver & gold, it looks like an emperor’s dear possession that he spends a lot of time admiring while practicing swordsmanship for times of war. The Inseparable Sword looks like a breathtaking feat in the artistry of weapon design. It looks so pristine & jaw-droppingly gorgeous that its wielder must have learned to ignore its beauty before taking it to war.

Wing of astel

Wing of astel Elden Ring

The Wing of Astel looks like a broken feather from the gorgeous wings of an imaginary flying unicorn that has been forged into a magical weapon by giving it a handle. The transparent veins bulging on its surface give it an incredibly photorealistic visual appeal. The shades of blue plus the white color scheme of the Wings of Astel give it a very subtle but vibrant visual demeanor. It looks like a weapon that someone like Snow White, Cinderella, or a fairytale princess would use to protect themselves from magical demons.

The Wing of Astel leaves a ravishing trail of blue when you give it a full swing; it almost feels and looks as magical as the waving of Harry Potter’s very first wand at Ollivander’s shop.

Maliketh’s black blade

Maliketh's black blade Elden Ring

Maliketh’s Black Blade is one of the most casual yet awe-inspiringly beautiful weapons in the Elden Ring. It resembles that Hollywood leading hero who looks like a 10/10 despite waking up & having ridiculously messy hair or what can be described as the effortlessly handsome guy whose garbage dating advice sounds like, “Just be yourself, bro; it works for me every time.” The blade has a rugged & gritty charm to it, thanks to its messy & random obsidian blade textures. It has shades of grey in the middle & sprinkles of gold engraved in its crevices too, which are also responsible for its undeniably roguish & vigorous appeal. Maliketh’s Black Blade is one of the sexiest-looking weapons of Elden Ring without any doubt.

Nox flowing hammer

Nox flowing hammer Elden Ring

When you give it a swing, the nox-flowing hammer’s middle section converts into a metallic whip before retracting back to its original shape. It looks similar to a single-headed iron flail minus the pointy edges. The hammer’s scintillating silver body is a fashion statement of its own. It looks gorgeous & moves like a dream, just like a fashion model walking the ramp with incredible panache. The smooth, shiny, and spherical nature of the nox-flowing hammer gives it a non-threatening and glamorous look. It looks like an absurd weapon to hold in your hands, but by itself, it looks like a shimmering antique showpiece that will steal your attention.

Bloodhound’s fang

Bloodhound's fang Elden Ring

The Bloodhound’s Fang looks like a slithering snake due to its unorthodox wavy shape. The plain silver blade of the fang has sandy textures that give it a rugged visual appeal. It has a seductively crude look that is close to the true nature of a sword. The visually coarse demeanor of the bloodhound fang makes it look like a fearsome weapon that has spilled enemies’ blood and written many death sentences back in its glory days. There’s no soft or delicate vibe attached to it – you hold this weapon, and you feel like a murderous predator waiting to pounce on the enemies.

The Bloodhound’s Fang glistens across its edges while swinging, and the visuals of it doing so look gloriously exhilarating. You are going to feel your chest expanding with valor when you wield this sword.

Helphen’s Steeple

Helphen's Steeple Elden Ring

If you take a closer look at the Helphen’s Steeple’s middle section, which has 8 beautifully crafted edges sticking out, then you’re going to notice that it looks like a Chinese monastery located on the edge of the hill. It looks like the epitome of inventive weapon design & craftsmanship. This artistically forged weapon looks classy due to its all-black color scheme. It looks like an elegant showpiece that would go nicely with a black suit at a fashion gathering. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as menacing or devastating as a weapon must look. Thanks to the engravings, poked-out edges, and the red gem – it looks like a handsome offspring of craftsmanship & the forging of metal.

Sword of light

Sword of light Elden Ring

Despite looking like an enlarged replica of an antique silver dagger, the Sword of Night has some serious visual appeal, and the credit goes to its prismatic cuts, which have subtle hints of gold engraved on them. When you raise this sword to the heavens, it summons some super-intense, out-of-control, and laser-like rays of light that look like the rays of heavenly light coming out of the clouds. It looks like a diva wrapped up in a gorgeous silver outfit. If looks could kill, then the Sword of Night would be deemed as the suspect; it looks that good.

It looks like a magnificent remnant of bravado given by the king to those who fought with unswerving vigor & saved the kingdom from falling like a block of Jenga.

Curseblade’s cirque

Curseblade's cirque Elden Ring

The Curseblade’s Cirque looks like the top disk part of an attack-type Beyblade like Dragoon, Drigger, etc. It looks like the amalgamation of 3 to 4 karambit knives, that have been joined together by some dark magic in a circular & hollow disk pattern. The cirque’s glossy black color looks extremely sporty & dynamic like a sports car’s alloy wheels. Its hellish & villainous design lends an animalistic vibe to it. The Curseblade’s cirque looks like that devilishly handsome bad boy of a friend group who can behave as rudely as he wants to, but would still have girls swooning over him all the time. It looks like a nefarious villain who is better looking than the protagonist.

Overall, the point is that it looks extremely evil and sinful but still very easy on the eyes.

Sword of night

Sword of night Elden Ring

The Sword of Night looks darker than the black hole, and it does not reflect any light whatsoever. It emits dark fumes on wielding and leaves an extremely dark trail on swinging. The sword-swinging animations look just as ferocious & sublime, as shown in Japanese anime sword fight sequences. The hellish fumes emerging from the sword look breathtaking, and they add a depressing, morbid, and melancholic visual undertone to it, which looks cinematically pleasing to the eyes of a gamer. The Sword of Night looks like a depressing night with rain in the background, i.e., it looks sad & gloomy but weirdly beautiful as well, just like a DC movie.


Euporia Elden Ring

The Euporia looks very delicate and aesthetic, but it also looks like it has been made from 2 leaves that were dried from one end & burnt on the other end. It looks like a mythical bo staff that has a fierce blade attached to its edges. The vibrant yellow and the dull black color scheme of the blade look like a gorgeous marriage of doom & celebration on the very same weapon. The frontal edge of the Euporia glows red hot after you take a swing, and it looks breathtaking. When you spin the euporia, it glistens and looks like the magical spark-filled circle shown in Dr. Strange movies.

Poleblade of the bud

Poleblade of the bud Elden Ring

The Poleblade of the Bud looks like a massive sting found in a hornet species that is found in only a few regions of hell. The dissolution of red & black colors into each other gives the poleblade a very natural-looking abominable aesthetic of hell. It looks like something that could be used as the replacement of a pitchfork to poke the inmates of hell. The nightmarishly scary reddish-black looks of the poleblade give it a dreadful yet spectacularly gothic visual appeal, just like Stranger Things. It looks so gorgeously evil that it could be used as a prop for a Halloween costume.

Carian thrusting shield

Carian thrusting shield Elden Ring

The engraved design on the Carian Thrusting Shield looks like a galvanized peacock feather with a gem embedded on top – it’s difficult to remain focused & not get overwhelmed by the sheer visual splendor of this shield. It’s so dazzling that you could probably use it as a mirror. Even the enemies would get entranced for a second just by glancing at it. Its wielder would have cried like a kid, on seeing scratches on this drop-dead gorgeous piece of metal. The Carian Thrusting Shield is like that extremely attractive girl who constantly thinks, “Why do people keep staring at my face with a blank expression?”.

Without a doubt, the Carian Thrusting Shield would have been a showstopper if weapons could walk on a fashion ramp.

Thanks for reading the article.

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